Piecing a Memory

When I saw this picture of a little girl sewing on a toy sewing machine, it made me think of my grandmother, Isabel!

When I saw this picture of a little girl sewing on a toy sewing machine, it made me think of my grandmother, Isabel!

Why does this remind me of my grandmother?  She gave me a toy sewing machine for Christmas one year and a miniature sewing basket “just like hers!” I had so much fun piecing together pieces of cloth to make something special for my dolls. You might say that when we are reminded of pieces of childhood, we are piecing memories. Precious memories of our loved ones to share with our children, grandchildren and in our case, nieces and nephews.

A toy sewing machine and sewing box just like my Grandmother Isabel's!

A toy sewing machine and sewing box just like my Grandmother Isabel’s!

Decades have passed since that Christmas Eve but when I saw that little girl with her toy sewing machine, a flood of memories of my grandparents filled my heart. Granny was so excited about that gift because she knew it was the “perfect gift!” I had always admired her sewing basket and  she had found a tiny one just like hers.

Isn’t it funny how seeing something familiar can bring back memories?

The smell of coffee perking or bacon frying in the morning transporting us home and giving a sense of security and warmth. Remember crawling out from under a nice warm quilt to dress for breakfast, knowing your Mom or Grandmother would be at the stove humming a tune?

Perhaps our Heavenly Father planned it that way so that we will remember all that He has done for us!

How many precious gifts from His loving hand have we cast aside, grown away from or hidden away? Search your heart, rummage through the scrapbook of your life and see the good and perfect gifts that only He can give.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

James 1:17 (NKJV)

The best gift of all – His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life for us.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whosoever believeth in Him

should not perish but have everlasting lasting life.

For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world,

but that the world through Him might be saved.”

John 3:16-17

“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 6: 23

Who could ask for a better gift than eternal life? We can’t work for it, we can’t be good enough. That is why Jesus came as a tiny baby – completely man and completely God – that He would become the sacrificial lamb for you and for me on the cross of Calvary. He conquered death and arose from the dead three days later. So that we may have everlasting life. This is Love!

A sewing machine and tiny sewing basket was Granny’s way of showing her love. I accepted it without hesitation and with glee! God gave His only begotten Son because He loves you and me. I just had to share this wonderful news with you, dear reader. Won’t you receive His gift today?


Good Housekeeping Cover copied from Pinterest vintagecottagehome.blogspot.fr

2 thoughts on “Piecing a Memory

  1. This post brought back wonderful memories for me, Kathy. I was also given a child-size sewing machine, much like my grandmother’s one Christmas morning. But you’re so right…no gift has ever been greater than Jesus. I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas. 🙂


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