
Story Time

Before television, there was the radio. Before the radio there were books. Before there were books, there was the spoken word. Before then, God spoke the world into existence.  For thousands of years, families gathered around the fire and shared family stories, legends and The Word of God. Storytelling was an art and it still is today.

Story time


I don’t know about you, but I have always loved listening to stories.

Whether it was my grandmother, Isabel talking about her childhood, Mom’s family stories or listening to stories on the radio.

I grew up listening to a Gospel Music channel who broadcasted Pastor’s messages on air and on Saturday. Back to the Bible radio show aired a show just for the youth of the 1960’s and 70’s on Saturdays with  Danny Orlis stories. Check out this link: Danny Orlis HistoryThey also had a magazine called Young Ambassador. A friend of our family who discipled us when we first received Christ as our Savior in 1968 sent me a subscription to Young Ambassadors every year. I loved it! Back to the Bible’s Young Ambassador


Then there was Your Story Hour! I listened to this even as an adult. Our local radio station doesn’t run the Saturday morning line-up of “children’s programming” (I’m a child at heart.) The good news is that you can visit their website and listen to stories at your convenience.  This is their link.  Your Story Hour.   

And then the wonderful Children’s Bible Hour with Uncle Charlie. I don’t know about you, but every time I hear the theme song, I want to say, “Hi, Uncle Charlie!” Along with the children. This was their opening for many years. Keys for Kids is also online now. Keys for Kids with Uncle Charlie

Boys and Girls for Children Youtube

Who can forget the wonderful songs and stories by Ron Hamilton/Majesty Music as Patch the Pirate? Ron Hamilton has been a blessing to me since I first met him and his wife at a teacher’s conference over thirty years ago. For years, they produced cassette tapes, CDs and now the wonder Patch the Pirate series is online. Check it out – including Ron’s testimony. Many may not know that Ron and his family need our prayer now as he is having serious medical problems. What a wonderful legacy he is leaving behind for children today and for years to come! Patch the Pirate – Ron Hamilton

Last but not least has been one of my favorites for years. I loved listening to Adventures in Oddessey by Focus on the Family while preparing dinner each weekday. It has been online as podcasts for years.  I still love listening to this program. Especially when the story is about history! Visit John Avery Whittaker at Wits End!  Adventures in Oddessey

There are at least two websites you can go to for a variety of children’s programming and for adults as well. one is on the Christian Radio Station, BBN. BBN Radio Programming

There are stories, music, and Preaching of the Word of God. Oneplace Ministries.

Whenever I think of “story time” I envision the multitudes following Jesus, gathering around and drinking in every word. The disciples considered the children who wanted to be with Jesus, to be blessed by Him, as a nuisance but Jesus rebuked them.

“Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them and departed thence.” Matthew 19:13-15

Research Tip for Writers:

There are also several secular sites where you can listen to the old radio shows our grandparents and great-grandparents listened to back in the good old days! Old Time Radio Shows. This is a great site for historical writers!